Friday, November 26, 2010


What to buy, what to buy... We all have at least ONE of those people on our holiday shopping list for whom we have NO FREAKIN' IDEA what to buy, and quite frankly it's a bit maddening. Finding just the right gift can be a sanity-reducing nightmare of epic proportions (especially for those of us who are out of our element in a mall).

Then there's the issue of finding something completely unique in said mall - incredibly difficult, to say the least. To find a gift of quality, something you can proud to give, yet still hold on to a bit of your hard-earned money may seem utterly impossible... or is it?

From right now until the stroke of midnight on Monday, November 29, 2010, MacGowan's is holding it's first annual Black Friday/Cyber Monday 4 day Weekend Holiday Sale!! All standard PIRATE Tankards are 50% off (+$20 for custom burnings); All other Custom Tankards 40% off!!! All Standard shipping is FREE!!
All Tankards come with a lifetime guarantee against defects in materials and craftsmanship!

Pirate Tankards: Regular price - $150; SALE PRICE - $75!
Custom Pirate Tankards: SALE PRICE - $95!
Ladies Pirate Tankards: Regular price - $95; SALE PRICE - $47.50!
Custom Ladies Pirate Tankards: $67.50!

For information, or to place your order: Call me for an immediate quote (405) 519-2839, or email me with your needs ( and receive your quote within 2 hours of receipt from 8am to 8:30pm
(after business hours email quotes might delayed until following day)

Happy Bargain hunting, my friends!!


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Phantom of the Opera???

I seriously doubt it, but there must be a phantom of some sort lurking in my shop! There's got to be some extraordinary explanation, for Pete's sake! Tools keep disappearing... screws and nails never seem to be where I left them. Phantom, yes? The only other possible explanation for losing my screws would be that I'm going completely bonkers, and we don't want to admit to that, do we? Of course, we don't! So, now that we're convinced I have some creepy phantom or, at the very least, a mischievous elf hiding in the dark recesses of the shop, I can stop shopping for anti-dementia medications. Whew! I feel much better - thanks!

We all know this coming Friday is the dreaded, but much anticipated "Black Friday". Most of us have some vague idea of what we'll be doing - I, for one, will almost certainly be nursing a stuffed belly and regretting that extra piece of Lemon Meringue pie, but I've yet to decide on whether, or not, to brave the long lines and stores filled with ruthless elderly shoppers. Only once in my life have I dared enter a store on the day when only the most seasoned of holiday shoppers emerge unscathed. I remember it like it was yesterday...
It was cliche. I roamed the mall while on my quest to find the "life sized" Barbie doll my daughter had asked Santa for. Keeping one eye on other shoppers, a hand on my wallet, and the other eye on signs - oh, the signs - everywhere! Signs marked with percentages off this item, buy one, get one free, $'s off the manufacturers suggested retail price!! I could feel the security cameras on me, watching my every move, and the little old ladies waiting to pounce like lionesses hunting their prey. Then, through the brightly lit isles of toys, perfumes and jewelry, I saw it! Finally!! Six hours, four malls, and countless department stores later, I finally found it! The last one! There it was, in all it's glory, waiting for it's new home. I looked around - no one else seemed interested, so I darted through the human-crammed isles, focused, momentarily fearless, and feebly attempting to hide my interest in the child sized monument to perfect femininity. I was upon her, mere feet away from securing the great Christmas my daughter was not only hoping for, but expecting, when out of nowhere the Grinch snatched her! The miniature Grinch stared at me with her cold, deep-set eyes as if saying, "Go ahead, make my day!" For a woman in her 70's she was incredibly sure of herself and awfully feisty. I decided not to make her day, and instead made my way to yet another store, where I found abundant Barbies in stock. I had escaped almost certain annihilation and have since regained my dignity... so, the question is: To shop Black Friday in "real-life", or to shop online.

The decision is an easy one: STAY HOME, where it's safe from the hordes of evil holiday shoppers... where a man can maintain his dignity and shop from his manly woodshop! ;)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

News from MacGowan's

Hello, my friends!

Several new, and somewhat exciting, things are happening at MacGowan's!!

First, I must apologize for neglecting this blog and other various sites. We have been busy keeping up with orders; preparing for upcoming changes; and revamping the shop to further improve production... somewhere between running around like a head with my chicken cut off and redesigning our technical capabilities - social networking was lost.

On the positive side: business is increasing, and to cope with higher demands we have created new schedules to allow us to better handle all aspects of business, rather than simply focusing on orders only. One such improvement will be the addition of a blog post a week - once every Wednesday, with the occasional odd post here and there. Another improvement is our upcoming website! My partner, Dorothea, is designing a new site that will allow the less technically savvy (me) to post new items and news more easily.

So, what are the big changes, you ask? Well, the biggest change will be the addition of short, 3 - 5 minute "how-to" videos and blog posts. The videos and posts will include instructions for anything from making tankards and cabinets, to sharpening tools to chopping off superfluous chunks of body parts with said sharpened tools to DIY first aide to encourage regeneration of missing chunk. Okay, that last part may be an overstatement, but our videos are sure to include the occasional mishap and/or screw-up. Our first videos are tentatively scheduled for release somewhere between December 26th and January 1st and we hope to post a new video every other week, thereafter.

Once our videos are up we will begin to give away an item of our choosing once a month to the lucky viewer who wins our monthly contest. What contest? You're right, I should've explained that prior to announcing the sucker. The following is a short description of the contest:
Amongst the tools; hardware; chemical cans; wood; etc... will be something in the shop that has changed from the previous video. It could be anything - possibly different paint somewhere; something rewritten; an object in a different place... who knows. The point is: There might be several things that have changed, but only one of those will the intentional change meant to found by viewers, and in MY shop it'll no doubt be a tough one to find!

More information to come!

Thanks for stopping by, and HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all!!

Your dedicated wood man and all around halfway decent guy,
