Sunday, July 31, 2011

Female surgical enhancements vs natural physique

A few days ago while taking a break from my non-air conditioned sweat-shop I decided to sit down and watch a few brainless TV shows. I sliced some aged cheddar cheese with Irish whiskey (Kerrigold), some prosciutto, cut up a little sweet basil, and grabbed a package of butter crackers. After retrieving a cold Pepsi from the refrigerator I was prepared to zone out in front of the 60 inch LED LCD without a care in the world for at least 1.5 hours. Man tears were beginning to form as I covered my recliner with a thick blanket to keep the dust from my clothes from soiling the upholstery... man heaven was only a few moments away.

Searching through the normal channels I found nothing of interest - didn't want to watch the history channel for fear of actually thinking and becoming immersed in a subject I'd later have to research for myself... same went for Discovery and every other channel featuring something of real value. I surfed the movie channels, but again nothing piqued my interest, so rather than turn to 'On Demand' I chose Netflix, as they have short TV shows that wouldn't take too much time or thought. Soon I found episodes of Scrubs - most certainly not a show I could endure for more than 2 - 3 episodes at a time, and definitely wouldn't require a single ounce of thought! Ahhhh... blissfully brain-dead me-time was imminent and I was happy.

Just a few minutes into the show I realized how badly the JD character got on my nerves. Don't get me wrong, I like the fella, but only in very short bursts. His constant need for attention and girl-child-like behavior make me want to punch him in that enormous Adam's apple that protrudes from this throat and taunts me when he talks. Okay, okay - I know he's a good guy, but does have to be so damned needy and demanding of attention from everywhere?

Oh yeah, I forgot the point of this post. During one of the episodes I watched, The Todd was going to give a 16 year old female patient breast implants. Turk considered this somewhat offensive and immoral and it got me thinking - exactly what I was trying to avoid!! Is it right to allow 16 year old kids to make a decision that involves cosmetic surgery? I'm not talking about a kid who's been in a horrible accident and has been disfigured, or even someone born with defect, such as a cleft pallet - obviously there are sometimes good reasons for cosmetic surgery. A boob-job, however, is a different animal all-together. This is a surgery that, like others, has the very real possibility of deadly consequences, for one thing, but the other thing is... well, it's unnecessary. What is wrong with teaching girls that they are beautiful just as they are? A, B, C, D, DD, EE, GG - it doesn't matter at all! Now, I have nothing against a grown woman opting for any surgical enhancement she so desires - after all, it's her right and non of my business. If it makes her feels better and makes her happy then I'm all for it, but I'm a man who prefers the natural female body to an enhanced version. That's not say I couldn't fall for someone who opted for a boob-job or liposuction or nose job, but maybe I'm closer to earth than some men.

Women have been taught that they aren't beautiful or worthy of the attention of even less-than-average men unless they fall into an impossibly narrow medium that doesn't allow for a natural full figure; small breasts; short stature; natural hair color; glasses; natural eye color; milky white skin; etc... Women of all shapes, sizes, and skin color need to understand one very simple thing: you're women!! YOU have the power the make a man think anything of you you wish. YOU have the power to turn any man on on a whim, if you so desire. What makes a woman desirable is not your boobs or ass - it's how you flaunt what you have, and how you treat the men you're near. Confidence is the single most important quality a woman can possess if she wants her choice in men. Behavior and, of course, hygiene go a long, long way to making yourself beautiful in the eyes of men. Flaunt what you have in front of the man you're after, be flirtatious, but with boundaries, then, when you have him where you want him - play hard to get. It's an old trick, but it works. Men LOVE to chase things they're not sure they can ever catch - fact.

Each and every woman has a physical quality she can use to her benefit, whether it's amazing cleavage or great lips, entrancing eyes or a shapely ass. No matter the quality you possess it's how you use it that makes all the difference. Think of yourself as a model preparing a clean, but sexy spread for a calendar, then think of yourself. Everyone has at least one thing about themselves they're proud of, or at least like - even just a little. Highlight your favorite parts. If you've got a wonderful backside wear a tight skirt or pants. If you've got cleavage to spare wear a top that shows it off. If you've got a gorgeous face get a haircut that frames it better and go where ever women go when they want to learn how to better apply makeup. If you're uncertain of what your best physical assets are then ask a girlfriend, or a trustworthy random male friend - what's the worst that could happen? Just remember: There's nothing wrong with leaving a bit to the imagination, i.e: if you're top-heavy there's no need to show the world everything. Save a little for the bedroom. The same goes for a great pair of legs - nothing wrong with a mini skirt, but try to save your extra-mini mini skirts for special occasions.

My point is this: Why would you want a man who could love you after surgical self modification, but who couldn't fall in love with you just as you are? Men will always want women, no matter their imperfection - you don't have be perfect, believe it, or not.

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